
Advance Your Career with 101 Blockchains Certifications


Blockchain is groundbreaking technology, and this innovative database mechanism facilitates transparent information sharing within a network. Since blockchain technology holds immense promise, it is considered one of the most attractive career fields for professionals. Furthermore, the rapid adoption of blockchain across various industries has created numerous opportunities for blockchain professionals.

If you want a flourishing career in the blockchain industry, you must choose the best certification program. A top certification can empower your career and broaden your prospects. To gain a competitive edge in the thriving blockchain industry, you must enroll in the 101 Blockchains certifications program that can be a game-changer for your career.

Build your identity as a certified blockchain expert with 101 Blockchains’ Blockchain Certifications designed to provide enhanced career prospects.

In-Demand 101 Blockchains Certifications

101 Blockchains is a highly credible learning platform that offers a broad range of blockchain certifications for professionals. If you are wondering, ‘Is 101 Blockchains legit?’ The answer is yes. By choosing the certification that best aligns with your interests and career aspirations, you can become a blockchain expert. Some of the top 101 Blockchains certifications that can boost your career are listed below:

Certified Enterprise Blockchain Professional (CEBP)™

Certified Enterprise Blockchain Professional (CEBP)™ is an accredited certification by 101 Blockchains, recognized under CPD Certification Service standards. This certification is ideal for professionals aiming to gain expertise in blockchain technology. Additionally, the program helps you understand various blockchain use cases. It will equip you with the expertise needed to effectively implement and manage diverse blockchain projects.

CEBP is designed to help you learn the core concepts of blockchain. The primary purpose of the certification is to help you grasp blockchain fundamentals and develop essential real-world skills. Furthermore, you will build competency in identifying the right tools for various blockchain projects.

CEBP is well-suited for:

If you wish to achieve the following objectives, the CEBP certification can be a great learning opportunity for you: 

  • Learn the core concepts of blockchain technology and its ecosystem
  • Gain proficiency on how to approach blockchain implementation
  • Focus on your transformation with up-to-date, actionable tools

Take Away from the course:

The CEBP program will give you the opportunity to leverage blockchain technology in the current blockchain environment. The theoretical knowledge, combined with practical insights, will help you become a leading blockchain expert. he following takeaways from the course will certainly enhance your learning experience:

  • Basics of Blockchain technology and its use cases
  • Fundamental Concepts – Enterprise blockchain platforms
  • Blockchain Application in Trade Finance
  • Use cases of blockchain in supply chain management and digital transformation.

Certified Web 3.0 Professional (CW3P)™

Certified Web 3.0 Professional (CW3P)™ is an accredited certification program as per the standards of the CPD Certification Service. The industry-recognized credential offered by 101 Blockchains is designed to help professionals master Blockchain and Web3 technologies. Moreover, you can build a successful career in blockchain.

The certification program incorporates practical demonstrations along with on-demand video lectures relating to web3 technology. By enrolling in the certification, professionals can prepare themselves to adapt to the future of the Internet. CW3P can serve as an integrated learning tool that will help you become proficient in diverse web3 concepts.

CW3P is well-suited for:

The CW3P certification program is the perfect option for you if you wish to achieve the following objectives:

  • Develop a solid understanding of web3 fundamentals
  • Master the core benefits, risks, as well as challenges relating to web3 technology
  • Learn about the possible use cases for web3 technologies

Take Away from the course:

By enrolling in CW3P, you can definitely have a highly enriching and engaging learning experience. After the successful completion of the CW3P program, you can become proficient in diverse areas including:

  • Fundamentals of Blockchain technology
  • Basics of Web3 and the Evolution of the Internet
  • Web3 – Use Cases
  • Web3 Technologies – Benefits and Challenges
  • Fundamentals of Ethereum, Metaverse and NFT
  • The interplay between web3, Ethereum, Metaverse, and NFTs.

Certified Enterprise Blockchain Architect (CEBA)™

The Certified Enterprise Blockchain Architect (CEBA)™ certification is an officially accredited credential as per the standards of the CPD Certification Service. The job-oriented certification program certainly empowers professionals to develop robust Blockchain solutions in the real world.  It is certainly among the top blockchain certifications today.

CEBA covers a broad range of concepts and topics relating to Blockchain technology. One of the major highlights of the certification is that it focuses on practical Blockchain solutions which can help meet enterprise needs. The top-quality learning resource will certainly equip you with the necessary skills Blockchain Architects must possess.

CEBA is well-suited for:

You should definitely join the CEBA certification program if your objectives are:

  • Understanding the advanced concepts relating to blockchain architecture, such as development.
  • Mastering diverse blockchain-related use cases and learning how to choose appropriate blockchain systems to meet customers’ needs.
  • Validating your knowledge with an industry-leading blockchain architecture certification.

Take Away from the course:

The CEBA certification program will definitely create an opportunity for you to get a solid grasp of blockchain solution architecture. By engaging with various topics centring around blockchain development, you can undoubtedly develop robust skills and competencies in the area. The main takeaway for you from CEBA includes the following:

  • Blockchain Fundamentals and the Basic and Advanced Concepts of Blockchain Architecture
  • Basics of Enterprise Blockchain Platform
  • Choosing an appropriate blockchain system
  • Public and permissioned Blockchain

Certified Blockchain Security Expert (CBSE)™

The Certified Blockchain Security Expert (CBSE)™ is an officially accredited certification program based on the CPD Certification Service standards. The credential is undoubtedly of immense value for every individual who wishes to transform into a Blockchain Security Expert.

By joining the CBSE certification program, you can surely expand your knowledge of Blockchain security. Moreover, you can also apply the knowledge and skills you have learned in the real world. The certification will certainly allow you to master important processes that are essential to strengthening the security of Blockchain.

CBSE is well-suited for:

The Certified Blockchain Security Expert program is a perfect fit for you if your objective is to:

  • Learn about blockchain security threats
  • Undertake blockchain threat modelling and vulnerability assessments.
  • Design and develop highly secure distributed applications and blockchain systems.

Take Away from the course:

Enrollment in the CBSE certification program can enable learners to adapt to the evolving Blockchain Security landscape. You will surely have the chance to cultivate the right set of skills and competencies Blockchain Security Experts must possess today. Furthermore, the core things you will learn from the CBSE include:

  • Blockchain – Introduction and Structure and Basics of Blockchain Cryptography
  • Threat Modeling in Blockchain
  • Security in consensus algorithms, security of blockchain nodes and network, and Smart contract security
  • Enterprise blockchain platform security
  • Blockchain system testing

Certified Web3 Blockchain Developer (CW3BD)™

The Certified Web3 Blockchain Developer (CW3BD)™ is a top certification program by 101 Blockchains for professionals who wish to master Blockchain development. By enrolling in the top program, you can undoubtedly transform yourself into an invaluable asset in the context of web3 blockchain development projects.

CW3BD is certainly an ideal learning resource for you if you wish to develop top-notch skills for developing unit test cases and rigorously evaluating web3 apps before their deployment. Moreover, a distinguishing feature of the certification is, it offers comprehensive learning support to professionals through interactive exercises, hands-on activities, and demos.

CW3BD is well-suited for:

The CW3BD certification is undoubtedly the best learning resource for you if you intend to accomplish the below objectives:

  • Become proficient in the best practices relating to writing, testing, and deploying Solidity smart contracts for web3 applications.
  • Master the best practices relating to smart contract security.
  • Expand knowledge of important tools and frameworks for web3 development.
  • Gain expertise in DeFi and NFT development to create top web3 projects

Take Away from the course:

CW3BD is definitely the best learning tool for solidifying your proficiency in Blockchain development. You can surely have a bright future as a Web3 Blockchain Developer by joining the CW3BD program. Most importantly, it will equip you with the essential competencies needed to create top Web3 solutions. The main takeaways from the course for a learner are:

  • Fundamentals of Solidity
  • Smart contracts development and Smart contract security.
  • Advanced NFT development
  • Defi Development – Fundamentals and Best Practices
  • Web3 Application Development and Lifecycle.

Certified Web3 Hacker (CW3H)™

The Certified Web3 Hacker (CW3H)™ certification program by 101 Blockchains is a comprehensive learning resource that helps professionals to have an amazing career in web3 security and ethical hacking. By enrolling in the novel certification, you can surely take advantage of the ever-expanding career prospects in the web3 realm.

CW3H can act as an extensive guide for individuals to learn about threats and risks of web3. By engaging with the provided examples in CW3H, you can certainly master the implementation of robust web3 security concepts. You must certainly consider the certification along with other Blockchain Certifications.

CW3H is well-suited for:

You must undoubtedly consider enrolling in CW3H if you are keen on accomplishing the following objectives:

  • Develop an in-depth comprehension of real-world web3 exploits and vulnerabilities.
  • Master the best practices for resolving web3 security threats and concerns.
  • Become proficient in the core methods for improving the security of web3 logic.

Take Away from the course:

CW3H is certainly the top learning tool for professionals who want to combat malicious actors in the Web3 landscape. It will definitely act as the ultimate guide that will equip you with solid competencies to strategically eliminate web3 exploits. The interactive exercises, along with engaging video lectures, will ensure you develop optimum value from the CW3H certification. The main chief takeaways from CW3H for a learner include:

  • Fundamentals of Web3, DeFi and Ethereum
  • Web3 Security – Fundamentals and Important Considerations
  • Web3 Hacking Tools
  • Smart contracts
  • Fundamentals of EVM and EVM security attacks
  • Fundamentals of tokens, the types of attacks on tokens
  • Different types of DeFi attacks and the development of DeFi exploits

Certified NFT Professional (CNFTP)™

Non-fungible tokens have been making a lot of noise recently. Therefore, the demand for a Certified NFT Professional (CNFT)™ is more likely to encourage many aspiring candidates. Here is an overview of the important details regarding the NFT professional certification by 101 Blockchains.

The identity of NFTs as more than mere digital assets is the biggest reason for their growing adoption. NFTs can ensure verifiable proof of ownership for assets represented on a blockchain network. The new Certified NFT Professional credential is an innovative learning resource for catering to the needs of learning about new technology. You can figure out how NFTs fit in the blockchain ecosystem and the long-term picture for NFTs.  

CNFTP is well-suited for:

The CNFTP certification by 101 Blockchains gives a unique choice for every individual who wants to learn about NFTs. You have to achieve the following objectives to qualify for the NFT professional certification.

  • In-depth knowledge regarding NFT concepts and Ethereum blockchain.
  • A vivid impression of the scope and goals of NFTs.
  • Awareness of the methods and best practices for creation, purchase and sales of NFTs.   

Take Away from the course:

The course topics in the NFT certification training course by 101 Blockchains can help you understand how the course improves your knowledge and learning about NFTs. Here are the important topics you can find in the CNFTP certification by 101 Blockchains.

Certified Metaverse Professional (CMP)™

The Certified Metaverse Professional (CMP)™ credential is an interesting tool for proving yourself as future-ready for the metaverse. You can identify the potential of the new metaverse certification by considering the following highlights.  

The metaverse brings forward the promise of immersive experiences in shared and persistent three-dimensional worlds. You can use the metaverse certification to boost your blockchain career with a vision for long-term results. The demand for metaverse professionals would surpass many other tech-based job roles. With the help of the new certification on metaverse technology by 101 Blockchains, you can make the most of new career opportunities in this domain.  

CMP is well-suited for:

The learning objectives of the CMP certification could serve a clear impression of how it can be a suitable tool for expanding your career prospects. Here are the important objectives you must achieve for qualifying the metaverse professional certification.

  • Comprehensive knowledge of metaverse and underlying concepts
  • Awareness of benefits and risks in metaverse based on use cases
  • Mastery of recommended methods and best practices for using the metaverse 

Take Away from the course:

The Certified Metaverse Professional certification can help you improve your skills in the following domains. 

Final Words

101 Blockchains offers a wide range of certification programs for Blockchain professionals. From the identified list of 101 Blockchains certifications, you can choose the best option that perfectly aligns with your Blockchain career aspirations. The modules, as well as the concepts, have been carefully designed to help you develop top skills and knowledge that are in high demand today.

The credential will certainly give you a competitive edge over other professionals in competitive times. Moreover, after joining the best blockchain certification program, you will possess the essential skills you can apply in a real-world setting. Thus, the certifications offered by 101 Blockchains can certainly act as a game-changer for your career.

Advance your Career with Blockchain & Web3 SkillsAdvance your Career with Blockchain & Web3 Skills

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