Last year, Telegram complied with 900 US requests, affecting 2,253 users. However, only 14 of these requests came between January and October.
Last year, Telegram complied with 900 US requests, affecting 2,253 users. However, only 14 of these requests came between January and October.
Crypto trading bot Trojan racked up a record $363 million in trading volume on January 20, the day of Donald...
An active investigation involving Ledger co-founder Éric Larchevêque is reportedly ongoing with some speculating about a kidnap situation. Source link...
World Liberty Financial has been diversifying its holdings, acquiring assets including Justin Sun-affiliated TRX and WBTC. Source link...
Justin Sun, who has now invested $75 million into Donald Trump’s World Liberty Financial, was removed from Liberland’s inauguration schedule....